Thread: [TEC] Asking again...
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Old 05-23-17, 10:44 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
I haven't seen the mod you're talking about, but it's possible. You can paint the player sub black, gray, white, camo, or even International Orange and it doesn't affect how visible you are to the enemy because the game isn't programmed to take that into account. Same thing with active sonar, in real life if you ping an escort he will hear the ping from a long way off and head toward you full tile boogie. In the game I've pinged to get a range every few seconds with no reaction at all, even inside hydrophone range. I'm just guessing here, but I suspect the actual darkness would be the same as moving your gamma slider in the graphics setting, affects what you see on the screen but not what the AI sees. Possibly the mod you had included hacks to the graphics to make the night visually darker just for esthetics, along with the actual file or files that affected how far the AI could see.

Armistead created it , dont believe her ever uploaded to subsim. This was a while back, nights were perfect far as darkness goes.

I get your cammo does no matter. I don't recall if he made any changes to the sim file. I can verify it did affect escorts ability to see. Was able to get much closer and on some nights inside the screen, attack and speed away without getting shot full of holes all the time. Made night surface attacks in manner of how they were actually conducted, much more possible in the sim.
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