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Old 03-25-10, 05:34 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Trublion View Post
A few "programming comments" if I may:
# Ship:GetContactDepth() <= -7.0 and
(Ship:ContactIs(SUBMARINE) or Ship:ContactIs(UNITUNKNOWN) or Ship:GetContactDepth() <= -5.0)....

means that ships will try to reacquire targets no matter if I am submerged or visible. As long as contact is SUBMARINE or UNITUNKNOWN, the depth does not matter. It used to matter, but was commented out.
May I ask the reason, not for sake of argument but more as an enlightenment.
I'm more than happy for people to comment on the scipt changes, as it's very easy to accidentally put in a logic trap that can never be true, or is always true.

There's a few peculiarities with the contact reports the AI gets. If the AI sees a torpedo, it'll classify you as unknown and guess at a depth. If it sees your periscope or gets you on sonar, it'll classify you as a sub. This was why the AI wouldn't respond beforehand, as the scripts were set to only respond to a sub which meant you had to be seen.

The 'unknown' classification when something goes bang, but they don't see you is also problematic in poor visibiltiy. I fixed the AI response for the convoys in good visibility, but when I went to test in Scapa Flow in bad weather, they still ignored me. I found that if the AI don't see a torpedo, they just hear an explosion, then you get classified as 'Unknown' with a wild depth - in scapa, I was being classified as an unknown at 80 m in the air, so the AI ignored me. So, I removed the depth control as it's not reliable and instead put in sub or unknown or depth. I also added a check for the last time they had a contact with you, so if you are surfeaced in good visibility and they can see you, they will have fresh contact info and it won't try to re-acquire you. If it's foggy or rainy and dark, then they won't be able to see you either, but should still try to get close to where you last were.

Originally Posted by Will-Rommel View Post
I dived to periscope depth to toy with him, but he didnt seemed to use active nor passive sonar... or maybe they were a green crew?
Hmmm, they should always have their sensors on, only thing I have found that stops the sensors is the thermal layer, which makes you invisible, but at PD this shouldn't have hidden you. What sort of speed was he doing on his way past?

Originally Posted by Coldcall View Post
However escaping was once again easy.

So in 2 encounters now, the escorts have reacted well, which i ahve to say is way better than i experienced in vanilla as they hardly seemed to notice most of the time, unless you sort of crashed into them by mistake.

Finally thre AI is starting to feel like it "could" become a challenge.
Yeah they are still pretty poor . They will only go over the same area atm, this will change though. Spiral search is next up, but having trouble with role changing...

Thanks for the feedback guys.
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