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Old 01-12-17, 10:40 PM   #1
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Default WINE or How to run your Windows game on Linux

With RockinRobbins Thread on installing Linux...

I thought I would Just go over the basics of the program that makes running Windows games -such as SH3 and SH4- on Linux, possible.

Don't worry, I'm not going to get very technical in this. I've posted much of this in other threads, as relevant to questions asked in that topic.
This is just to get all of the info together in one place.

First where to get all the Official info:

Best place to get serious info, I'm just going over the basics right now.

What WINE does:

It "redirects" Windows program "calls" to the Linux equivalents.
I.E. You want to go to a restaurant, but you're in a different city, so you ask someone nearby "is there a {name of restaurant here} nearby?" and they then proceed to give you an address and/or directions. (or you just google it...)
Wine is that helpful person!


WINE can be installed using your Linux Distro's installer of choice.
For my Fedora, for example, there is the Graphical Installer/Updater,
and there is the command line update manager called "DNF".
For Ubuntu the Command line update manager is called "apt-get".
The name of the Graphical installer/updater varies based on which desktop you use. (KDE, Gnome, MATE, Unity). This is a whole other thread...
The graphical update program is easier to understand, the command line is much faster and has fewer screens to deal with.

-OR- You could try compiling from source. I did this once, I'm still trying to figure it out. I would suggest new Linux users avoid this.

The Basics:

Once WINE is installed it makes a hidden directory in your "home" folder.
This "WINE" directory is known as a "Prefix", a Wine prefix is a directory that "mimics" (or "fakes") a Windows drive, with a registry, a "Windows", "Program Files" and other needed directories and files (all redirecting to linux files).
You can have multiple "Prefixes", each tailored to a specific game if you need them...

There is a "start" menu (aka "Application Launcher") shortcut for the configuration program "winecfg". There you can set which version(s) of windows you would like wine to mimic while running your programs. (I have mine set to Win7 as the default.)
As well as set specific windows versions for specific programs.

Some games, such as old 16bit games that originally ran on WIn95/98 will need a 32bit prefix. You can make a new "prefix" and name it whatever you like, the usual suggestion is "wine32"...

This "wine32" directory is completely separate from the default wine directory.
It has its own registry, windows, and program files directories.
Installing a program, such as "Silent 3ditor" into one prefix, will not make it available in another prefix. Just as installing a game on one Windows PC, doesn't make it available on another Windows PC.
This prefix also has its own configuration settings.

However, to do this, you must use the command line, and you must use the command line to access the winecfg for that prefix as well.

WINE Version Numbers:

This part can be a bit confusing ---INITIALLY---.

The official word on the matter:
1.3 Versions of wine

The short version:
WINE versions: X.Y.Z
"X" is the major version number.
If "Y" is an ODD number, it is a "development" version. "We're adding new stuff".
If "Y" is an EVEN number, it is a "stable" or bugfix only version. Or: "We're fixing what we broke".
"Z" is the release number, it is simply which "minor" version you have, higher number is newer.

So, 1.7 and 1.8 are basically the same. 1.7.55 became 1.8.0.
While 1.8 was being "debugged" (1.8.1, 1.8.2, etc.), 1.9 was being developed (adding DX10 and DX11 stuff).

Final thoughts:

I was going to add a bit more to this, but I'll have to cut this short since my schedule is working against me.
I'll try to add a few more things in the 2nd post here.


Last edited by BarracudaUAK; 01-15-17 at 12:03 AM. Reason: Wrong Link!
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