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Old 04-22-19, 04:24 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Slyguy3129 View Post
U-Boats weren't fictional, WW2 wasn't fictional.

I care absolutely nothing about victims who use lawyers to bully people around they disagree with. Those are the absolute worst kind of "victims". Good thing I don't live in a country subject to the EU, and it's oppressive ways.

You mean the Igor Kurdin who helped write Hostile Waters?

So it's ok for him to profit off the deaths of victims. It's cool, the world is filled with "Lawyers" like that. They don't scare anyone but cowards.
Igor Kurdin assisted in writing the book, mainly as technical advisor because he had commanded a similar type of submarine, he did not however get involved with the film, and if you read hostile waters the book it mentions nothing about a collision the film portrays this, and yes when i met him i did ask him about this and his statement was simply there was no collision so therefore it was the film that caused the problem.

Your also clouding what im also saying and im not saying WW2 was fictional, nor U boats far from it !
The silent hunter series is based around a true events but uses fictional encounters, fictional ships, and fictional series of events, which in turn means it is not directly related to the true event which took place, thus your not U123 sinking the Coimbra en route to America exactly as it would have been are you? the game generates fictional traffic patterns so the odds are you may be U1 and encounter a lone un named T3 tanker off the coast of Ireland when in reality that never happened at that time date or location.

Thats what i am getting at the detachment the way Ubisoft did silent hunter series was a good way around things, detach slightly from the real thing but still have realism in it make it un named that way your playing the game for what it is platform v platform.

Kursk is nothing like that your playing it based on a real event based on its real name based on the loss of its entire crew, the plot to steal the VA111 skhval theory is just weird the torpedo has been around since the 70's and well frankly its old hat.

I care absolutely nothing about victims who use lawyers to bully people around they disagree with
So lets say they released a game around the incidents of Bhopal or the tragedy of the Holocaust you wouldn't give a monkeys if the victims decided to take the publisher to court because after all as you say these victims are just trying to bully right? but surely they have a right to say it

I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight, even to death, for your right to say it. By: Someone more articulate than I, but in my words.
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