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Old 03-07-19, 02:23 PM   #10
Seasoned Skipper
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Stadimeter was good during WWII for attacking surface ships but today naval warfare rely on different sources of gaining information.

Today "short" range for torpedoes is 8-10 nmi (over 15 km). It shows that stadimeter haven't primary role in DW

Many ships and maritime patrol airctafts have "mast detectors" - they can automatically detect your periscope so using Stadimeter is not recommended. Personally i never used it :P
Visual detection for gaining range is recommended when you have laser range device (some modern subs have it)

Your best friend is TMA and passive detection via low fraquency sonars like Towed Array. You can detect and after some time find solution to attack even on very large distances - far beyond radar (limited by radio horizont)

...before my target stray too much from my earlier TMA solution
It means your solution wasn't good enough for engaging.
You should to predict where target will go. It's hard task when you fail your first attack because enemy probably change course and speed.
If target is not too far (<10-12 nmi) you can ping active sonar when your torpedoes are close to solution.

For attacking submarines using periscope is not very smart. Not only because submarines are usually under water but also because your sonars works best not very close to surface (waves generates some noise)

My advices:

1. Turn Autocrew for TMA (its not cheating because autocrew gives you solutions with error). It allow you to focus on more important things than resolving puzzles of TMA. It's not a shame: 99% players in MP use autocrew ON

2. Forget about Silent hunter practices, like:
- using visual obserwations for making solution on target
- hearing contacts for predicting range/type/etc
- staying at periscope depth
- going to maximum depth in case of danger
- trusting for "termocline" will hide you
- using radar
- being "perfectionist" for working on solution
- relaying only on yourself for building battle picture
All of this above are "bad habits" silent hunter players in DW

3. Watch some experienced players (like me ) RA gampelays for understanding how to engage with or without autocrew TMA

4. You don't have to read all weapon guide but only sections for your current loadout.
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