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Old 02-22-18, 02:35 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Tucker View Post
That all looks amazing. But what do you mean by static? So will the boats you come across out on patrol, not in harbor pier side, be transiting or will they just be sitting there not moving?

Also while I have found a bit on Fotrs Ultimate, I haven’t found any real descriptions on what the mod actually does and how it differs from TMO or RFB. All I’ve really found is that it is a super kid and an amalgamation of three different versions of Fotrs and that it will be mod compatible.

Can you please enlighten me a bit more on the differences and or improvements to say like a TMO/RFB.
The next version of Fotrs Ultimate Beta will have 13 added AI subs........besides the player controlled subs.

The original question from you was "... any mods that add extra submarines into port?" And yes, Ultimate will. When I say their "static", these two American subs shown will be just that......sitting still as if parked in their mooring bay in harbor. They have no crew standing watch, they will be just as you asked, parked in harbor filling up space.

The other 11 subs added are another story. One American Fleetboat, one German U-Boat Type 9d2, Nine Japanese Subs ranging from their "Carrier Class" Sen Toku I (where they contain a float plane for Scout duty. And yes, as the AI Carriers do, there are four Japanese subs that will have the ability to launch planes when an enemy target is detected!), to their "Fast Attack" sub Sen Take.

They will have full underway capabilities as any other AI Warship, whether in Port or on the high sea. Here's some images of a few others:

Japanese Type C3

Japanese Kaidai Type 4

Japanese Jyunsen Type 1

Unlike the "static" subs, these 11 submarines will have crewmembers manning deck armaments, and will fire torpedoes at enemy AI targets....and YOU, if you let them:

These added warships, will be in various missions throughout your Campaign. Found either in your own home port (both the "static" and underway versions), or in enemy ports as any other possible warship would be. They may be found along with other warships, as when traveling in a Task Force, or they may be found alone at sea raiding enemy traffic.

They will not submerge due to the limiting game mechanics for AI ship units, but they will be a welcome addition to the game inventory. A Fotrs Ultimate inventory of ship units that surpasses any other modification, without adding these new Submarines!


You ask what's the difference between TMO/RFB and Fotrs Ultimate?

I was an original member of the Real Fleet Boat mod team years ago (and having some of my work in TMO too). I can tell you the largest difference in Fotrs Ultimate compared to these others......... it's being "Actively" worked on!

Besides the most obvious additions as stated above. There's a group of community modders that are currently working on Ultimate, taking suggestions as they come from YOU, the player. We are rebuilding parts of the game that were never addressed when these other mods were last released. This makes Ultimate unique in its ability to provide a better game experience than a modification that ended support years ago!

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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