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Old 11-17-09, 07:50 PM   #1
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Default spawn rates and reporting, air attacks

I notice some missins I play cause the target convoy or task force to update on the map quite often before they reach detectable range. How does that work?

Also, if I want to add traffic along a given track, such as patrols comming through the english channel during a uboat mission, how do I control how often they spawn (they'd travel their tracka nd rather than looping they'd just dissapear and respawn at the other end) thus keeping a fresh ship along that track ebcause if you sink it it'd be replaced by a new one shortly anyways..they wouldn't leave it "unpatroled"

thirds, how exactly does one add extra planes? Do planes need constant waypoints or will they keep on flying around the area after the end of their "track"?
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