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Old 07-12-08, 01:23 PM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Default SH4 ATO Mods forum - Readme 8/12/08

SH4 ATO Mods forum - Readme
To settle the issues between GW and other SH4 modders, we are making the following changes.

A separate forum for SH4 ATO mods. GW should post in this forum for their SH4 mods and discussion; fleet boat modders should retain the current SH4 Mods Workshop. Subsim will not disallow all cross posting, but if someone crossposts a slur or rude comment, then we will change their usergroup ID and they will not longer be able to see the opposing forum. After they get out of the brig.

Stricter enforcement of the civility clause of the RADIO ROOM forum guidelines. Starting now, a rigid and assertive enforcement by the moderating team includes immediate brig time for the type of baiting and rude remarks that seems to start the mod fights, with equal brig time for followup retorts and escalating posts, and calling out forum moderators.

Abusing forum moderators will not be tolerated. They have enough to do and do not need to be told they are useless, biased, or other putdowns.

What is a slight, slur, rude comment, flame? Up to the moderator's discretion.

Consider this a fresh start, we are drawing a line in the sand, let old disputes remain in the past. Everyone starts now with a clean record, so it is up to you to keep it that way. No one wants to hear a 3000 word history of a particular piece of a mod that was borrowed/stolen/uncredited. Tell your dog about it, take it up on e-mail, write it in your diary but don't post it here.

This forum will open for posting soon.

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