Thread: [REL] patSH3r - Reborn
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Old 02-01-16, 11:55 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by utops View Post
One more thing:
Was mangled by destroyer cannon,because IIA has periscope depth of 9 meters,so antena dipol is visible and that is the reason of my sub being shot at. Decided to rest on the bottom to stop flooding etc. Depth was 17 meters and after 10 minutes resting on seabed CE goes crazy with reports about sub being damaged and destroyer was not dc at that time or any time. Ths is the bug?I'll try to recreate this by simply resting on seabed in undamaged sub i report back with this.
Btw. Whats up with blank CE messages?
Edit again:

Uh there is no way to recover from flooding it says 0:00 past 1 h but still my sub is sinking and go hard against seabed and above aws trawler killing my carrer. This is feature or bug? ( and no i am not beaing sarcastic.)
Maybe your hull integrity got so compromised that it couldn't stand 17 meters. That's all I can think of. patSH3r has no routines to make damage to the sub... yet.
Blank CE messages? Are you using a mod which need some extra messages somewhere. patSH3r probably has nothing to do with it.
All patSH3r does with the repair routine, is to alter the repair time factor (if you're using it in the config - and not using a hsie patched exe). It's a legit value that exist in UBI-code and is also used by the realistic repair time setting. Altering it should not change the behavior of the game in the sense of how the repair-code works. What's your repair time factor at in the patSH3r.cfg-file?
patSH3r-developer, (
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