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Old 05-20-12, 10:33 PM   #1712
frau kaleun
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Part 3

Well, the honeymoon has been eventful so far. We went for a hike up Mount Anthor to see if we could find the dragon that the guards back in Windhelm won't shut up about. On the way, I spotted a snow sabrecat up ahead and managed to get one arrow into it before it saw me.

Unfortunately one wasn't enough and it immediately charged right at me, claws out and fangs all agleam for the kill. I got off another shot which gave me a fantastic killcam, but just before it cut away to that I saw a blurry shape out of the corner of my eye and the when killcam ended, I looked up to see this:

Yep, he actually ran all the way up from where he was trailing behind me and put himself directly between me and the big angry kitteh. Honestly I don't know how he didn't get nailed by the second arrow himself. Is he awesome, or what?

And speaking of awesome, did I say we were looking for a dragon? OH HELL YEAH.

It's my first ever video what I maded on my computin' machine! I knew I spent that money on a media suite for a reason.

Ulfric is really good trash talker, I swore I wasn't gonna abuse being able to have him as a follower but... man. It could be hard to give him up. Among my favorites heard this week were "Should I close my eyes? That might even things up" and "You're losing a lot of blood, maybe you should sit down."

Also, when we came around Mount Anthor towards the Alftand ruins, there was... this... thing. Just hanging in the sky. So I did what any self-respecting Nord would do, I just kept shooting at it until it came down.

Then we climbed all the way to the top of Mount Anthor and back down and headed for Whiterun, where I needed to check in at Breezehome and Jorrvaskr. We took a jog over towards Rorikstead to wipe out what remained of the Imperial camp over there and then after that it was off to bed. And when I woke up in the morning what do you think I saw?

This whole marriage thing could turn out better than I thought. Now if I can just get him to put the bucket seat down...
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