Thread: SH3 to SH4
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Old 06-20-09, 06:50 PM   #2
Let's Sink Sumptin' !
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Alas...I can't give you any information on the cheapest way to get SH4 as I live in the US.

The only mods I have experience with is TMO, RFB, and RSRD. All cut down the Japanese ship and aerial traffic from the unrealistically high level in the stock game. TMO makes some of the Japanese escorts more elite.

The campaign is a lot different. The geographical distances are greater for one. A lot of newbies tend to run out of fuel, especially when they accept a mission and then try to return to a base that has been overrun by the Japanese. At that point they don't have enough fuel to reach Australia if their old base was say, Surabaya. You do have to watch the fuel gauge as the game is unforgiving on this matter and there are no milchcows. If you chose Pearl Harbour as your base the trip to Empire waters is a looonng one too. Imagine crossing the Atlantic all the way to North America, before seeing any enemy ships in your U-Boat... that's close to the same distance from the lonely US outpost of Midway island to Japan. That's why I usually pick Australian bases.

There are also many tiny little islands scattered throughout the western Pacific and Indonesia. Be careful when plotting your course zoomed out. It's easy to run aground and embed your boat in a beach if you get careless.

The Japanese are different too. They're not the British. They tend to sail a lot of single merchantmen well into the war and even when convoyed the escorts don't have radar for the most part. You do have decent radars sets to chose almost from the beginning of the war, so it's a case of the shoe being on the other foot compared to the war in the Atlantic. Obviously, aircraft are less of threat due to having decent air search radar and the fact that historically the Japanese never caught on to the use of aircraft as effective ASW platforms until far too late.

Your worst enemy, is many respects is the Mark 14 torpedo, the most common torpedo US subs are supplied with. I don't think the game nearly reflects how poorly they operated in history, but they do let you down a lot. Some Japanese merchants are armed from the beginning, so be careful with using the deck gun. Sampans and junks are easy prey though especially for the 20mm and 40mm guns.

You get more mission types than in SH3. Special ops like inserting agents into enemy territory, photo-recon of his harbours, etc.

Last edited by Torplexed; 06-20-09 at 07:18 PM.
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