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Old 07-11-07, 04:50 AM   #16
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Was a good Test flight,
you're actually the fist that shot the tirpitz with the torpedo
no-one else besides me testing the map has succesfully hitted the Tirpitz.

I must admit when I jumped in a BF110 and chased you I didnt expect you to turn around and try to take me head on as I learned from other online games head on with a heavy machine gunned fighter is suicide.
I was surprised of your evasion skills , thought I aimed ahead from you , and only removed the controls of the Tail section I was surprised you still managed to keep the aircraft in air

I,m going to do some tests this afternoon with the tirpitz.
I,m going to put the ship in water and I will see how many torpedo's she can take. to give an idea what you need to sink her. also going to use bombs to see what she can take.

what I,m going to add to the map are 2 American Aircraft carriers to launch american carrier planes from. the location is closer to base protected by the BB duke of york with some other cruisers and Destroyers.
the map is going to be changed into a Attacking allied force which have to destroy the harbour and airfield and the Germans defending it and try to sink the Allied fleet.

which means a change in planes settup for each base

American aircraft carriers will allow you to take of with any american Aircraft that are build for the carriers and the land base to take of with land based aircraft and heavy bombers.

I will completly remove Jet planes from both sides.

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