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Old 09-15-05, 11:22 AM   #2
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I had saw that TV.
Well, before talk about I-58,I think they make a fool of Japanese.
What is that???
They always complain Japanese ship captain.
Even more, I am Japanese, so I can understand
what Japanese ppl talking.
Interpreter was too incompetent, thats why Japaese ship captain
couldnt do what they want.
Do you remember before taking out Sasebo bay,
they complain about GPS position.
I read the another BBS that in Japan when client
aboard ship they set GPS for them.

Go back to I-58. Well in japanese edition on that TV.
I-58 was apper last 1minuete.
So I couldnt recognaize them.I am so sorry.
MOST REDICULOUS thing is The TV show name was "Sentoku",
but they never show us "type I-400" and never talk they finally
found or not, They just say they found I-58.
I am so sorry I-25, because of I couldnt answer your question.

Well I will give you one trivia for you.
I-36 the first captain Michimune Inaba had went "Ise Shrine"
to get "Goshin tai" It is object of worship housed in a Shinto shrine and believed to contain the spirit of a deity.
Becasue in that time each Jpanese submarine had "mini shrine",
so he went get it.
When he had reached Ise shrine, suddnly thunderstorm had come.
But Shinto chief priest had said to him
"When getting Goshintai if the weather in the rain, God give you good luck,So your ship will get good luck".

Shinto chief priest was right, Becasue I-36 was survived war.
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