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Old 02-24-19, 09:09 AM   #9217
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Benefits of a Brexit from a libertarian point of view (= horrors of a Brexit from an EUrocratic point of view).

I stick to it, the EU should be destroyed, and every step helping in that is welcome to me, no matter who it is contributing to this cause. The danger emmitted by the EU already is too monumental and too threatening by now as if one can afford to be choosey anymore. This does not automatically make the enemy of my enemy my friend. It only makes him a tool I do not hold back from doing what it does - helping in the destruction of the EU.

Before it destroys us and everything our ancestors have bitterly fought and suffered for. And that was not just meaningless profanities like not needing to change your money when crossing borders for holiday.

Though I must admit that the second arugment given in that essay, liberty from illiberal values, is being eroded everywhere nowadays and not just in the EU, the pressure to agree to "consensus" equals totalitarian uniformity and prevents debate and discussion and disagreement, political correctness no longer just threatens to sanction divergent opinions, but already actively suppresses and defames them. Nudging, reframing, "cinvincing" - its all harmless sounding words meaning to prevent people from thinking of their own and opposing the will of the parasytical elitist regime at the top.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-24-19 at 09:21 AM.
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