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Old 01-07-17, 10:37 AM   #151
Mr Quatro
Navy Seal
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Can you believe this ... sure you can:

Obama says Sanders' supporters helped undermine Obamacare

Obama also said Liberals like former Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders had contributed to the program's unpopularity.

During Sanders' campaign for the presidential nomination, he proposed replacing Obamacare with a government-run single-payer health insurance system based on Medicare, the government plan for elderly and disabled Americans.

"In the 'dissatisfied' column are a whole bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who wanted a single-payer plan," Obama said in the interview.
Obama blaming a man that might have defeated Trump if the DNC hadn't of hindered him
pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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