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Old 05-04-12, 03:23 PM   #92
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by P_Funk View Post
So far I've seen you do your tests near the equator as far as I can recall, so I'm curious to know how this disparity between SH3's Longitude and the real world's, ie. the set width in SH3 versus the narrowing one as you move towards the poles, affects navigation for us. If I'm near the north pole in SH3 will this pose problems for us using existing almanac data? If so, how do you propose overcoming this, and if not... well why doesn't that change what the almanac says for our purposes?

Is everything just simply solved by converting from the spherical world to the cylindrical one as you did in your 3 point plotting demonstration?

I saw from a thread in SH5 Mods Workshop a new figure never mentioned.
When I started chaseing down the numbers involved?
First? My head started hurting.

Then I noticed a possible scaleing number appear!

SH is a flat or tube World for the most part, correct?
Now how do you scale that to create a virtual 'round' World?

Create a Test Mission in the Northern parts.
Go from point A to point B and measure the times and distances.
Do another Test mission at the Equator and measure the same.
Compare the results and see if they workout to nearly real life figures.

I'm thinking I know the answer.
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