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Old 01-07-19, 02:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bleiente View Post
I think there is a misunderstanding in my intention here.
I believe you have a very valid point. The quote, "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" seems rather appropriate.

With respect to the ongoing situation within the EU, the financial bailouts, brexit, immigration and the seeming unchecked expansion in the scope of control exercised by Brussels coupled with the amount of influence being exercised by Germany, I would hope "the world" would be smart enough to stand back and let any internal strife play itself out.

Two NATO countries lobbing smoke at each other should not automatically invoke Article 5. The subsequent involvement of a non-NATO country attempting to take strategic advantage of a situation might however, complicate matters.

Nonetheless, I perceive Germany to be the biggest part of this problem currently. There is no doubt that country has an inordinate amount of sway and in large part is contributing to the discontent throughout the EU while at the same time propping it up with money and political influence.

It might be time, if the EU wishes to pursue a different path, perhaps a less rapid movement towards totalitarianism, to ask Germany to take a 5 year time out. Thank them for their contributions, keep them feeling welcome within the union, but significantly curtail their day to day influence and control over the remaining countries and the the internal political processes.

People much smarter than me have rightly concluded that a standing EU army is a nonstarter. It seems that what Germany wants to do, is what the EU does these days. Perhaps relating to France as well but to a lesser degree.

So yes, I have no difficulty envisioning conflict between member nations if the present trends and course is not altered. I would hope the world could stay out of any such unfortunate turn of events, but you know people - especially people with perceived power and visions of grandeur dancing between their ears...

Over time I think we will see more countries decide to pack it in and extricate themselves from under the thumb of the EU and that may just act as a pressure relief valve preventing the alternative. I don't wish to see the union dissolve but I also cannot see a path to its long term salvation under the present leadership and direction.

The people need to take back control from their politicians and not just vote in the same sort of authoritarian personalities from the opposite end of the political spectrum. The use of humanitarian immigration on a scale unseen before, for the purposes of moral suasion, is going to have consequences for civil societies in every country in the EU for a long time to come. People have become complacent in doing what government tell them to do. Government has long since learned that the hearts and minds of the people follow the carrots and free cheese offered to placate large segments of populations. The politicians know what they are doing and believe the end justifies the means. It is the governed people who have become confused and impotent; No longer able to separate themselves from those who always seem take advantage of a population for their own agenda and aggrandizement.

An interesting time indeed to be in reinforced bunker sales these days...
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