Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 11-18-18, 06:37 PM   #6745
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Originally Posted by Front Runner View Post
I have a couple questions.

1) - Are all Sampans and Fishing Boats to be considered "enemy" Sampans?

2) - What is the radius of the enemy air patrols? I'm guessing around 450 nm.

3) - Have night time enemy air patrols been implemented? If so, when do the night time enemy air patrols occur beginning 1942? 1943? 1944? 1945?

I tried searching but couldn't find any direct references to these questions.

Question #1.... All Sampans are enemy commandants, treat them as such. Consider that being detected by a Sampan is the same as any other enemy contact detection. It will bring enemy air/sea units to your position due to the detection. As long as there are enemy ship units within the area, or airbases (land based or carrier) within the capable strike distance of the planes used at that base.

Not all fishing boats are enemy controlled, some are friendly. You need to be aware that detection by them are the same as the Sampans if enemy controlled.

Question #2....Each plane has a MaxRadius= parameter in it's .cfg file. This is what defines how far a plane will travel from it's base (land or carrier). For instance, a Kate is set to 600 (which is believed to be in Kilometers. The game doesn't give us a "How to Modify" instruction on the matter!). A Betty is 1800.

If it's converted to Nautical Miles then 1800 k is about 972 nm; 600 k is 324 nm.

Sine each plane can have different MaxRadius figures it's hard to say what will be the actual distance traveled. There is no random "Patrol" flight from the base. If planes are overhead, their either "scripted" to be going from point A to B in the mission, or they are spawned from a close base source (land or carrier) due to a detection by the enemy. The plane will head towards the last known detected position, and will rely on it's sensors (visual or other) to attack the enemy if found.

Question #3.....As I said above, the planes are not randomly flying about, or simply on patrol for no good reason. There is no "implementation of night time patrols" in the game. The game has a "modifier" that (among other factors) will determine the "chance" for night time attacks to take place. This "modifier" is 0.4 in Ultimate, where the Stock game had it at 0.5. Again, it's our best guess that lowering this modifier, lowers the chance of night time attacks (where's the game instructions to modding?!?). However it does not eliminate it; nor is there a "Date/Specific Year" parameter influencing night time attacks that can be implemented.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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