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Old 10-27-08, 03:47 PM   #46
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if I fly with my vanilla IL2 on a modded server I will have the following
I wont see modded aircraft, but the modded aircraft are NOT able to shoot me down because in my end THEY DON'T EXIST.

(this also happens when someone has a different version of that Aircraft mod or his mod doesnt work properly)
its quiet funny...but a good point why everyone should stay VANILLA when it comes to ONLINE PLAY.

the reason why actually IL2 mods are off limits:

in order for them to work you have to HACK the IL2FB.EXE.
I've allowed the discussions of Mods in certain degrees of SHOW AND TELL only
not how they work nor on how to install them.

Why dont you install mods?
Because as pointed above thing's get mixed up, the only thing I like about the mods is the new Landscapes. and I'm happy what came out of the Box and I take its flaws(AI) for granted.

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