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Old 02-20-17, 11:53 AM   #84
Posts: n/a


I have added and checked all the guns to be convenient to the historical reality, but I didn't add all the guns which were added in 1944 (too much work for me !).

So, in 1944, there will be "only" these guns :

Moreover, there are no platforms for the octuple pompoms, and I'm sad about this.

Finally, I tried to modify the 3D model to correct the stairs. I managed to do this, but as I expected, the AO map is no more correct :

So, this solution can only work for the Nelson which doesn't have any AO map.

Now, the Nelson has to be copied on the Rodney and remapped to take into accounts all these new AA guns. Then, when I have this remapped Nelson, I will check the AA guns which were not exactly the same as the Rodney.

Here the D/L link to remap (work for SquareSteelBar ) :

I'm now finishing the camo for the deck.

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