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Old 12-17-18, 09:54 AM   #8
Front Runner
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by Greystone View Post
Hey propbeanie.. Yup, the save, go out, & reload the same save didn't give the expected result. I'm playing stock SH4 with the following mods:

BBC World (for the radio)
No Surface Hydrophone (an attempt to correct getting hydrophone readings while on the surface)
Less Water Limber Holes
Webster's Underwater Visibility for v1.5
" Better Waterline Colors for v1.5
" Better Sub Marker

I'm running it on Win7 with an nVidia GTX 750Ti
I have the Vertical Sync checkbox checked in Options
Have the game installed in C:\SH4

I did go to the Steam link in Front Runner's post and followed the instructions; you're right, it was a rather simple affair..

When I went back in, the situation was the same and that made sense, to me anyway; I mean, the save is the same save and I wouldn't expect that lowering the fps would alter the parameters within the save. I figure, if the prevailing theory is right, the time discrepancy will now stay the same as opposed to continually altering as it had before the change I just made with the nVidia Control Panel. I'm hoping that, at the end of my current mission, somewhere, somehow, through the transition from the end of the patrol, my time in port, and my departure into the following patrol, the game'll revert to displaying the correct time. One can only hope..

Again, thanks for your generous help.

I haven’t tested that within a save game. Let us know the results of starting a new patrol when making the recommended Vertical Sync changes while in career. Theoretically, your next patrol should start the BT Clock anew.
Keep in mind that there will still be a Time Zone difference between your “Base” and your “Patrol Area”. For example Pearl Harbor Base Time would be different than the observed Base Time in Empire Waters. The old threads about Base Time cover this very well.
I kind of tripped over discovering this issue because up until recently I had almost always chose a Pearl Harbor career start and basically ignored the own ship Base Time Clock because the east west time zone changes fudged it up anyway. Well, I chose a Brisbane start and my assigned area was the Bismarck Sea, within the same Base Time Zone. After playing several days at 1x (Vertical Sync in game off and “balls out” frame rate 240 fps) to get there, I noticed that Sunset/Sunrise, Moonset/Moonrise were way off! Like hours off.
My sub is in darkest night, base time shows it should be daylight hours and I’m getting attacked by aircraft. Whoa! That’s when I put my thinking cap on and somewhere along the line of experimentation I discovered the link between Vertical Sync On/Off and the SS/SR,MS/MR error differential.
Currently I am on my 4th day underway with the recommended settings, (in game vertical sync off, nVidia control panel settings forced 1/2 refresh rate 30 FPS, and adaptive vertical sync on through the nVidia control panel.) My 4th day sunrise was 11 to 12 minutes late vs Almanac. I have noticed that the sunsets are tending to drift later. My 3rd day sunset was 20 minutes late while the following Moonset was only 11 minutes late. Very acceptable after almost 4 days at 1x play.
"It is well war is so terrible, lest we should grow too fond of it" - C.S.A. General Robert E. Lee
"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato

Gone but not forgotten, RIP Dave "LeoVampire".
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