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Old 03-08-08, 01:22 AM   #83
Roger Dodger
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Default Career Crossroads?

Originally Posted by Ducimus
The interiors were drastically reworked (again) when i was working on the initial release of TMO. Since your at that career crossroads, i would suggest retiring, and starting a new career. Some of the changes ive done to crew placement wont reflect in a game in progress.

You should find that the conning tower is alot more lively, and the control room, a little more so then it was in the past. (edit: I also fixed all the gauges, but that was awhile ago, so thats nothing new- but the crew placement is)
Interiors: The re-work is really noticable. Such detail! I'm still awestruck. Did you do all the re-working yourself? I didn't realize you were such an artist, as well as one of our best modders. I'll assume that the other-class boats have been redone too.?

Crossroads: Yeah, I think I really pissed off the admiral coming back with only 14K in tonnage, at least that was the drift I got from his message. For a reward for sticking it out, I got assigned to The USS Balao and the Kiska/Adack Patrol (June '43). The Japs must have taken a powder, and after six weeks of patrolling with no sightings, I took it upon myself to see if I could scare up anything worthwhile in Japanese waters. 24K and still counting. Got three duds and two torps running too deep on one setup. Finally got him with the 6th torpedo - a med freighter of 3K tons. What a waste of 5 torpedoes (Mark 23s too). I think I'll finish up this patrol, then head back and start a new career so I can see all the new stuff that's been added to the other boats.

Con and Control: I noticed some of the gauges working on the Gato (USS Drum) before the change. Even the dive plane indicators are working now. NICE! Once before, on a Gato-class, I noticed TWO depth indicators in the control room- one at 165 ft, and the other at 450 ft. Now the two indicators are both reading 165 ft., as before. What happened to the other one? Now that I can look over the planesmen's shoulders, I'd really like to see the deeper one again. I didn't notice any difference in personnel in the Con or Control Room. I'll take a better look on my next career.

I'm with you on your thoughts about SH1.5 and U-Boats. Not much interest on this end, at least not enough to spend any more money. The Silent Service in the Pacific Theater is my meat. With all the improvements by you, Lurker, and all the others that have made such improvements to this game, I don't feel it neccessary to play the bad guy. Someday, I might even get up enough guts to try manual targeting.

Run Silent, Run Deep
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