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Old 10-31-17, 08:49 AM   #362
Mike Abberton
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From what I have read, he changes his story to maintain the least responsibility for her death while likely trying to say any post-death crimes were done "in a panic".

A hatch dropping on her head would be a tragic accident, technically his fault, but an accident.

Once that story was disproved by examination of her head, he ups his story to carbon monoxide. Because a carbon monoxide leak on the boat would likely be determined to have been caused by either his faulty design or faulty actions of his while on this trip, this would be something more like negligence rather than an accident. So, definitely his fault and likely criminal, but a lot less onerous than either manslaughter or premeditated murder.

When/if they can cast significant doubt on carbon monoxide, he will almost surely admit to "just a little bit more" to minimize any consequences, unless he just decides to finally stop talking about it until the trial.
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