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Old 01-17-19, 04:06 PM   #20
Bilge Rat
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Default Happy Times Madness!

I'm a novice at SH3. I don't have patience to learn manual targeting, so I let the TDC compute my torpedo solutions. I also use Free View to gain 3D awareness of where I am, since I have poor 3D spatial awareness. I have Grey Wolves GWX 3.0 installed.

That being said, the Happy Times single mission was my biggest thrill so far.
Approaching the convoy, my spotter called out the sighting. There was another U-boat between me and the convoy. I dove immediately. The other U-boat did not and showed a short time later as sunk. Got close enough to convoy as it was coming across in front of me to sink the lead destroyer. I moved forward and got inside the first column before letting off some torpedos. A couple hits on targets in middle columns. Rear shot at a small merchant behind me in the first column. Periscope check, oh no! A corvette was coming up fast from the back of the convoy. No time to turn and set up a torpedo shot or surface to duke it out. Dove deep and turned towards the small merchant that I had just hit. Before I got to the merchant's location, the corvette was on top of me and dropped some DCs. No hits. I was around 50 meters depth, circling around the merchant which had settled in the water and appeared to be sinking very slowly. Corvette would not DC so close to the merchant. I came up to periscope depth with the idea of making a run. Then I noticed that the reinforcement escorts had arrived. Scratch the idea of bolting. Only way to get away would be a slow creep at depth. So, down to 150 meters on Slow, SIlent Routine. I noticed that I couldn't maintain depth at that speed at that depth, so I had to periodically increase revs to keep above critical depth. The new escorts cruised around the merchant with the corvette. No way out? Did this for half an hour, then I thought I can't just sit here and wait to die. So, I pointed the uboat south and started to creep away. Amazingly, I was not followed. The escorts just sat next to the merchant which was still afloat. Crept away for a mile or two, brought it up to the surfact and then full speed to the East while recharging.
I found the convoy to be lacking escorts and in total disarray. Three or four instances of ships were seemingly locked together. Ships were going in every direction. So, I cruised around and used torpedoes and deck gun to sink ships. Withdrew for a time to move torpedoes from deck storage to inside. In all this time only one escort was detected at the far Western edge of the convoy. I ran out of torpedoes before targets. Lots of deck gun use, being mindful of an armed merchant in the convoy. Must have sunk close to 80,000 tonnes. Don't expect that to happen again any time soon.
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