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Old 06-13-19, 04:46 AM   #3
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So, I tried this mission again in DW with RA 1.48 installed. For you newer folks, let's run through it so you can see what's going on (with minimal spoilers) and how to win it.

Before you play the H/K Training Mission 1, at least for a score, consider creating a mission called Sea Trials. Go into the mission editor and create a new mission. Keep it simple, find a patch of ocean somewhere that's at least 1,000 feet deep and add a drive-able sub. Since the training missions use a Flight 3 688 class boat, place one somewhere on the map and check the box that makes it the only drive-able platform. You could also add a civilian ship to the map and give it a Random Box tactic but it really isn't needed yet. Save the mission and then start it up. BTW, I promise I'll get into that first mission in the next post.

Use this mission to get used to your boat. One of the things you'll want to create is a Cavitation Curve. This is a graph of speed vs depth and shows how fast you can run at a given depth. The top of the graph should start at about 100 feet above sea level and go down to 1,000 feet deep or so. From left to right, start at 0 knots and mark off speeds up to 35 knots.
Start the mission and get under way. Surface your boat and order ahead 1/3. How fast is that? Right, 5 knots. Play around with changing course, there are a couple of ways to do this. Increase speed until Sonar tells you you're cavatating. Play around with changing your speed (again, there are a couple of ways to do this) until you know for certain how fast you can go before you start to cavatate. By the way, how deep are you when you're on the surface? These are picky little details but at some point they could be important, so write that stuff down on your graph. Order up a Flank bell and see how fast you can go when you're on the surface. What happens when you order a backing bell? Now's the time to try it. Add in some rudder and watch what happens. Play around with the masts, etc. Turn on the HF (under ice) sonar. It doesn't seem to be working, I wonder why?
Now, order 5 knots and dive the boat to 100 feet. How long did it take to do that? You don't have to write that on your curve but get a feeling for how long it takes to change depth and speed. Use the "bullhorn" icon to come up to PD. How deep is that? How deep is it to the top of the sail? How deep can you go and still ventilate using the snorkel? These number ARE important, so write them down on your graph.
Meanwhile, dive down 50 feet at a time and figure out how fast you're going when Sonar calls out "CAVATATING!!". Mark down these speeds and depths on your graph until you can run at a flank bell without making bubbles.
You need to know these numbers. You don't have to know them in your sleep (but it helps) but you should have a good "seat of the pants" feel when it comes to driving your boat.
When you can start out at a flank bell at 500 feet and come up to PD as quickly as you can without making noise then quickly dive back to 500 feet at a flank bell again, you're ready to play the game for points.
How you do that is by knowing when to make speed changes. At X feet I need to order ahead full, at Y feet I need to order ahead standard, etc..
BTW, there is no "cast in stone" way to do this. As long as you aren't generating crap loads of noise, your way is as valid as mine.

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