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Old 05-23-09, 07:21 PM   #219
Samurai Navy
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"I hate to say it but I think we got lucky last night. If Roman was on of the things killing us then at least he is gone, but that also means there must be more. And when I come to think of it does anyone find it strange that the Vice Admiral was wearing a gown and hood when he was found. I'll tell you one thing and that is that something awfully strange is going on and i don't like it.

*Suddenly realizes something and runs to the captains cabin and starts searching the table drawers*

"The bloody thing gotta be here somewhere if someones not taken it already"

*Finds the Vice Admirals personal sidearm, takes it and returns to the bar*

"I suppose the majority of everyone here knows how to use this. If something dangerous is still on the loose in here we better be prepared. I'll be keeping this for now. And I suppose the science team is already working on getting information about Roman and if he actually is one of them or if he just got mutated for some reason."

*With that said realizes another thing*

"Bloody *********n piece of pi**! Roman was part of the rescue crew and if he really is a monster then we must have brought at least one on board! And if there's more and if they did not come on the rescue sub then this whole accident starts to sound planned."

"Oberon I could not help overhearing you and Raptor talking last night when I got up to get my coffee, you were talking about sabotage? If you did I must say I'm starting to agree because this is just too strange to be an accident.!

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