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Old 06-27-16, 12:18 AM   #4
Electrician's Mate
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Thinking it thru on a couple of points you have made. The designers would logically conclude the pros and cons and make the final judgment call, however I see the following objections:

making sure that useage of the enigma machine and VON is more advantageous than teamspeak
If I understand it, you want the game designed to reward the use of in-game VON.
The result of this may or may not affect those players who use teamspeak and they can simply get the reward and simultaneously revert to teamspeak for any conversations not pre-programmed to trigger rewards.. this sometimes is referred to as meta-gaming - thinking outside the limits or intentions of the game.

The business & profit of making a game should begin with good gameplay, stimulating story and visuals, and proceed to preventing hacking among many other requirements. I see this idea as a very low priority following all other considerations.

If you don't get it right from the start then new players simply copy the way the existing players do things
The creativeness of players never ceases to amaze me, and the technology they find new ways to use is always changing.. coding in advance for too many possibilities with low payout can be a distraction to devs and a delay to production.

I do believe if enough community members see an idea as a "requirement" for good gameplay, the devs should raise it's priority.. so putting your idea here is actually good for discussion.

The players you refer to that are in a habit of doing things will likely not change until they are willing to change.. no person, and no game should or could put obstacles up to force the change unless it can be shown to be a requirement for good gameplay (which otherwise likely would decrease sales and give bad PR)

You may find me on one of these teamspeak servers: -
WWII Battleground Europe, Allied, -
Elite Dangerous, Gamers Cove -
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