Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-06-18, 10:26 AM   #6098
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Originally Posted by Larrywb57 View Post
FOTRS Ultimate Team,
I too have noticed that the gauges in the control room, conning tower and the bridge have been frozen except at the beginning before saving. I received a new boat after the porpoise class, a tambor class boat. After leaving Pearl Harbor, all the gauges worked to whatever the settings on the task bar were. After saving, I now noticed that they are frozen. I went back to the first save after receiving the current the boat and loaded the save. Where the gauges were working, after loading the save, they are frozen.

I hope this adds another cue as to why this is happening.
Larry if you've followed this "Command Room Dial issue" you've discovered the original problem was from "player error"....Immelmann discovered his issue was self inflected.

Before we start looking down a rabbit whole that turns up the same thing for you, I'd suggest you check what you're doing, or how you've installed your game, or how you use the "Save" feature?

We can't look over players shoulders and see what they do; where they install the game; what other things they do to the game to make it as it is? We make it so we can play it on our computers, and only hope the public can do the same. If the problem is with "saving" a game, I can only give you this advice.....use the following as a guide, "Tips for stable gameplay" from my "Windows10; Large Address Aware; SH4 Install" thread.

Sorry if this is a lot to read/follow, but the information has been proven to be accurate and has been compiled from several different sources over the years with the game's players. The game has ALWAYS had issues with "save's", that's something we can't fix....we just work with it.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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