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Old 03-09-07, 02:52 PM   #1
Grey Wolf
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Default Radio broadcasts and music link collection

I saw this in the ubi response thread, but I think a resource thread for actual ww2 sound files and links would help. If anyone has links to sound files, post 'em.

Q: Godzero: When you get close to a Port (like Tokyo) will you be able to tune in and here enemy propaganda on your radio? (like "Tokyo Rose")

A: The game implements a full radio simulation that is very moddable. The game will be able to tune into differente frequencies, by using the radio. Also there is an antenna simmulation. Each radio in the game will have (except for it's own frequency and music folder) a configuration file that will explain exactly where (on the globe) and when (the time period) its antennas were available. Depending the state of the war some japanese antennas might go out of service, wile the Radio Washington ones migh appear instead. Also there is provided a strength for each antenna. Antennas placed on japanese mainland can be stronger than ones placed on remote islands. Taking this into account (also, the depth of the sub adds modifiers to the strength of the received signal) the player will be able to have a veri close to reality simulation of the entire radio traffic. Each radio station has its own music folder and also for each radio station news can be added. They will be played at specified periods of time, specified in configuration files. A modder could actually, for example, record two news (one for radio Washington, one different for radio Tokyo) about the allies landing in Normandy and have one on Radio Washington 10 minutes after the landing began, while radio Tokyo might receive this news 30 minutes later and have the other recorded news played then.
-a few short clips. A good tokyo rose intro, a Tojo clip announcing the war, and the last American broadcast from Corregidor before evacuation.
-FDR Day of Infamy speech with broadcast intro.
-radio bulletin on Pearl Harbor with FDR speech again.
-FDR fireside chat audio.
-Some short real audio radio broadcast clips from bbc
-music - scroll to what's new, click on music and other audio files
-good length and quality radio broadcasts - scroll to what's new, click on music and other audio files
-Truman warns Japan August 45
-real audio files of mostly radio broadcasts
-more radio broadcasts by date
-some old time radio shows, most with the date broadcast
-more old time radio shows with dates, some work and some go to dead pages
-more for modders probably, real audio and quicktime sounds of actual ww2 subs
-2 minute real audio clip of interviews day after pearl harbor

Last edited by tedhealy; 03-11-07 at 12:44 PM.
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