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Old 10-04-13, 05:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by desertstriker View Post
I have never had a problem with STEAM and the games I have bought ARE identical to the publisher minus being in a few more folders (SH3 and again the SWKOTOR etc. I do not see the problem other than some people are so scared to dive into their computer files or don't know where to look. But it also greatly depends on the game as to how difficult they are to mod. I point to one of my favorite space strategy games "Star ruler" it can be difficult to mod, Endless space is like that as well. Games like COD though are not meant to me modified hence the dificulty for some

It is also harder to find games that are multi-player that are not on platforms like STEAM or Origin. And before you say i am not computer sophisticated i am very computer sophisticated/savy.

BTW have you ever used steam?
desertstriker, I have read your posts before and I KNOW that you are very computer literate. I tried to be very careful in crafting my post so as not to imply that all Steam users, or even a majority of Steam users, are not computer savvy. I did not want to say or even to imply that. I have no reason to think that is the case. And I sincerely apologize for offending you if you got that meaning from my words, and especially if you thought I was questioning your own competence. Clearly, I did not express myself carefully enough. Mea culpa.

The fact that you, a sophisticated user, do not have problems modding Steam games, seems I think, to support my point. Judging by the number of posts I see here at SubSIm, in SH3, SH4, and SH5 forums, a significant number of people do. And it seems to be just Steam users. I don't see large numbers of posts from people who downloaded their games from Amazon. I don't see posts from people with the DVD. All these folks seem to have to do is RTD and the mod works. But Steam users have to be told how to handle the "special" needs of their Steam version. To someone who has never used a Steam product (I am philosophically and economically opposed to the closed ecosystem model), this seems to be pretty indicative that there is something fundamentally different about Steam's products. Perhaps it is something that a sophisticated user like you can easily deal with. But it apparently poses hurdles for a significant number of Steam customers. And, when I read their posts, I see that most of them are unaware of the unique nature of the Steam product. I have visited the Steam website, and, while I find I can recognize in their advertising suggestions of the true nature of their product, I also can see that it wouldn't be obvious to the unsophisticated customer. And that deception, as I said above, is my major beef with Steam. I would never lease a car from a dealer who tried to imply that leasing is the same as ownership. (And, yes, I recognize that is not a perfect analogy, but it serves to make my point.) Steam can sell whatever product they want, and if people are willing to give them money for their product - knowing what that product really is - good for them. This is America. But when a company is misleading and not forthright, I feel a certain obligation to caution others who might be taken in.

You know what you are doing and have made an informed choice. KK. But not everyone is in your position. And I don't think people should be taken advantage of.
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