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Old 06-17-18, 10:35 AM   #3
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I'm posting some of the pictures I took of the test mission, so that, for now, you can see the continuous bearing method in action, the setup is the one shown in the silent hunter editor shot.

so we pick up this mission when the target is on bearing 270 degrees. the bearing to target is 270, a 90 degree angle relative to the submarine, at this point, the aob is starboard 45 degrees, the ship is making 5 knots, the submarine is s-class, with 36 knot torpedoes.

when the range and bearing was estimated and sent to the tdc, the range to target was 1588 yards. in a 45-45 right triangle, the legs of the triangle are the same, so the torpedo track, or submarines course will be 1588 yards from the impact of the torpedoes, becus it's an isoscleses right triangle, it's sides are congruent, the length of the hypotenuse can be calculated by multiplying one of the legs of the triangle by radical 2.

hypotenuse = 1588 yards times radical 2, or 2,245 yards.

all the lengths of the sides of the triangle are now known.

I took this next pic to show how the range was decreasing, at bearing 300 degrees, the aob is 75 degrees.

the midpoint of the hypotenuse is bearing 315 degrees, half way between 270 and 360 degrees, and the range has stopped decreasing at this point, the aob is starboard 90 degrees.

next one shows range increasing as the target moved thru the midpoint.

the next picture shows the bearing I could have started firing on, but I waited, from bearing 342, I could have fired on every continuous bearing, at least to zero degrees, and probably more, over 18 firing bearings.

in the next picture, I began firing on bearing 352 degrees, aiming for the stern first, the aob here is starboard 127 degrees.

next pic is aiming at midship.

next is last torpedo aimed at the bow.

next is torpedoes on the way, it looks like a divergent spread, and I fired the torpedoes to create a divergent spread, but the torpedoes will all hit in the same area, that is because the target is going away.

next; first torpedo hitting the stern.

next; 2nd torpedo hitting the stern.

next; 3rd torpedo hitting the stern.

so more work has to be done, for all torpedo speeds and target speeds, maybe in a month, it might be finished, and incorporated into the combat information mod. I think this is a really cool method, and it seems to have more firing bearings than the constant bearing method.
Her gun crew had guts, however, for from her canting bow came a half dozen well-aimed rounds. How they pointed and trained their gun on that tilting platform will long remain a wonder, and their dedication in keeping up the fire until they went under would be a matter of pride to any nation.

O'Kane, Richard. Clear the Bridge!: The War Patrols of the U.S.S. Tang
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