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Old 06-24-17, 08:41 PM   #9
Lucky Sailor
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Have you seen the press conferences of the mapping of the cosmic microwave radiation? Or when the latest photos are downloaded from whatever probe they are playing with now?

These guys (and gals) are giddy as children on christmas morning. They just can't wait to tell the world about this really fascinating rock they just saw from Opportunity.

You really think these same scientists, who love to share EVERYTHING, would be able to keep ALIENS a secret for more than 5 minutes? Of course they'd do their due diligence to confirm, scientific method and all, but once they did confirm, there is now way these people would keep it secret.

These guys build bombs, strap people to them, and throw them high in the air because it's fun. They crash probes that cost tens of millions of dollars into asteroids because they're curious what the dust cloud looks like. They build sci-fi propulsion systems to see if they actually work, and then blabber to the world like schoolchildren when it does.

No.... there's no way NASA knows aliens exist.
Luck is a residue of Design.

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