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Old 04-04-12, 12:24 PM   #1543
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Originally Posted by frau kaleun View Post
This must be why so many player-home mods add a bunch of them and then they NEVER seem to work right. Always a disappointment, I remember getting the Dovahkiin Hideout mod and looking wide-eyed at all the shelves and then realizing that 2/3rds of them didn't really function as bookshelves unless you wanted to drop your books and then pick them up and manually put them there.
I have FIVE, 3 shelf bookshelves working, each shelf holding 15 books. It took me while, with a few tutuorials on youtube, (one of which, the guy didn't do it right), and i ended up following the tutorial on the creationkit wiki.

Long story? Each book has a marker. Each marker has to be referenced to a container object. There's two triggers. One lets you access the container to read/place books. The other allows you to access the shelf like a chest. Both triggers are referenced to the container object. Then you have to add collesion cubes, Each has to be sized correctly but the gist is you have to totally encapsulate each bookshelf so that the books have no where to go.

This is just one shelf. Do it right, clone it for the 3 remaining shelves, then clone your "complete" bookshelf. I tested this throughly with FusRodah (no pun intended), i even redid this part from scratch when i discovered i used the wrong collesion detection.

If it's something that can be set up to work with JSGME, I wouldn't mind giving it a look depending on what it adds.
All my skyrim mods are in JSGME. I even made a smithing one, that lets you melt down weapons into ingots.

I found a nice little mod for Breezehome that really improved the stock interior but it didn't really add much in the way of extras except an enchanting table, and it didn't do a very good job of that. And one bookshelf in the loft which I promptly disabled/deleted because the positioning was so awkward and I wanted mannequins there and this character never collected books anyway.

Most of your house mods are "my first mods" on breezehome. They either redecorate it, or add a basement. For good reason, its the most lackluster house, the first one you get, but the most important thing, is whiterun is centrally located.

The thing about this "basement" im doing, is it's not really a basement at all, though it is underground. It will eventually be named something like "Whiterun Underground". The entrance? I haven't tied it into the game world yet, but i'll tell you where it will be. Fast travel to whiterun. Don't move foward. Immediately look to your right. You'll see a an arch/walkway thats part of the city wall. Walk to it. While in this overhang, look to your right again, and you'll see a out of the way little corner that's hidden from view with just one barrel there. The entrance will be there.

What this will mean is that this "home" will use the existing whiterun fast travel marker. It's right there. Also allows you quick access to the vender/blacksmith. Ive been desging this for logisitcs, practicality, functionality, and atmosphere. It will look and sound like your underground.

Last edited by Ducimus; 04-04-12 at 01:21 PM.
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