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Old 06-11-18, 04:51 AM   #11682
Growing Old Disgracefully
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You can change the dial sizes by using the Options File Editor Viewer or by going directly to the py file.

Each of the 3 dials has 2 actions making 6 changes that can be made in the py file.

You should be able to change the size of the Dials AFAIK looking at he py settings although I have never tried it as I prefer SH5 Enhanced.
Zoom in and out with your mouse you can set the time for how long the dials stay in view on the screen.

The path here is Main game folder\data\Applications\ OptionFileEditorViewer

Red not relevant SH5 only
Blue SH3
Green useful information

You can also make changes directly here.
The path to the py file > Main game folder\data\scripts\Menu\last py file
Scroll down to this heading.

#;################################### For Dials - SH3 and SH4 UI Modes only ##################################

#DESCRIPTION=Rate at which dials grow and shrink (in seconds)
#;++++++++++++++ Dial zoom/unzoom animation speed +++++++++++++++
#; rate at which dials grow and shrink (in seconds)
#; default is 0.10 seconds
DialsAnimationSpeed=0.10 < changing thiis to 20 doubles the time on the screen

#DESCRIPTION=Throttle zoom factor on mouse in
#;++++++++++++++ Base Zoom +++++++++++++++
#; Base Zoom levels
#; when MouseIn the dial will grow by this number
#; default is 200
BaseZoomThrottle=200 < changing this number will make the dial bigger

#DESCRIPTION=Speed zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 200

#DESCRIPTION=Heading zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 200

#DESCRIPTION=Rudder zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 200

#DESCRIPTION=260 Depth zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 200

#DESCRIPTION=25 Depth zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 200

#DESCRIPTION=SH5 Enhanced Heading dial zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 400

#DESCRIPTION=SH5 Enhanced Rudder dial zoom factor on mouse in
#; default is 400

#DESCRIPTION=Throttle dial can zoom
#;++++++++++++++ Can Zoom +++++++++++++++
#; which dials can zoom
#; change True to False to disable zoom on that dial
#; set below to either True or False for each
ThrottleCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=Speed dial can zoom
SpeedCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=Heading dial can zoom
HeadingCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=Rudder dial can zoom
RudderCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=260 depth dial can zoom
Depth260CanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=25 depth dial can zoom
Depth25CanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=SH5 Enhanced heading dial can zoom
SH5EHeadingCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=SH5 Enhanced rudder dial can zoom
SH5ERudderCanZoom = True

#DESCRIPTION=When mouse into dial that is zoomable this offset is applied to the Y axis if image goes offscreen
#;++++++++++++++ Offsets +++++++++++++++
#; y offset adjustment when mouse in/out and image goes offscreen (BaseZoom - for dynamically repositioning dials)
DialsBaseZoomOffsetYAdjustment = 10

#DESCRIPTION=When mouse into dial that is zoomable this offset is applied to the X axis if image goes offscreen
#; x offset adjustment when mouse in/out and image goes offscreen (BaseZoom - for dynamically repositioning dials)
DialsBaseZoomOffsetXAdjustment = 10

#DESCRIPTION=When mouse into SH5 Enhanced heading/rudder dial that is zoomable this offset is applied to the Y axis (max +- 100)
#; y offset adjustment for SH5 Enhanced heading/rudder dial. Maximum offset allowed is +-100 pixels
SH5EHeadingRudderOffsetY = 0

Check out my Tutorials in my signature for a lot more information
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