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Old 08-30-12, 02:15 AM   #2
Machinist's Mate
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Just a tiny 'excerpt' from our memoirs - an introduction of sorts, to Mission 7 ('Cliffhangers'):

Our trusty old tanks clanked up the hill. Any number of antitank positions might be hiding in the scattered woods - our infantry were good to have around in this fight. Sudden chattering of machine-guns broke the tension - enemy spotted! The unwelcome crack of enemy guns added to the din... Our gunner helpfully lobbed a few HE rounds at their suspected locations.

And suddenly we were over the hill and barrelling down the other side! The tactical situation revealed itself like a tableau. Up ahead, our artillery was now wreaking havoc on the main defenses. Further off in the distance, enemy tank formations, heading up toward the sounds of battle! The terse command crackled over the headphones: "Panzers, forward!"

Nope, this isn't the end. It's not even the beginning of the end. But maybe, just maybe, it's the end of the beginning.
So why don't you play it through and find out how it goes? Rock on!
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