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Old 03-01-18, 05:11 PM   #3
Ocean Warrior
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Sorry, I forgot to add the context.

Basically during the regular President's address to the Federal Assembly (sort of like the state of the union I guess?) after all the socio-economic stuff Putin began to talk about the new strategic nuclear means in the context of the US BMD.
The text can be found here:
videos can be found here:
quality of videos is, amusing in itself.

In that speech he mentions:
- Status-6 (which we know about)
- Sarmat heavy ICBM (which we know about)
- HGV (which we know about)
- MiG31 launched Iskander (semi-surprise, allegedly it went through IOC)
- laser stuff (semi-surprise)
- nuclear powered (!) long range cruise missile (surprise)

Google translate article on the unveiled systems: y-rasskazali-ob-oruzhii-kotoroe-prezident-predstavil-v-poslanii.html&edit-text=&act=url

Grumpy as always.
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