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Old 05-04-17, 04:20 PM   #3
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I've never used Crossover (which adds to wine), however, usually in WINE, you just add the command-line parameters as you would in a Windows shortcut (or dos).

For example, lets say I want to start SH3, which runs in WINE without any issue I would type:

wine sh3

to use an argument you just add it,

wine sh3 -arguments -go -here -like -this

Adding the arguments as per the instructions from the program.

Now for Silent 3ditor, I have to have dotnet 2.0 and dx9 installed into a 32bit wine prefix, called ".wine32". So to make S3D run I would type it like this:

env WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 wine s3d -arguments -go -here

The "~/.wine32": "~" is the users home/username directory. the ".wine32" is the wine prefix directory. So "~/.wine32" just tells WHERE the "env" (environment) is located.

default "wine" should be ".wine".

I really need to work on the WINE thread I started......

Let me know if I need to clean this up!

EDIT: As far as resolutions go, just set your game to the desktop resolution and you'll be good to go.
I remember reading somewhere that WINE used to reset your screen resolution when the game exited, but there have been several changes to "X" (which draws your desktop) so an older command (that you could put in a shortcut) doesn't work reliably anymore.
Plus Gnome has switched to Wayland. And Ubuntu was working on Mir.
Both "Wayland" and "Mir" are replacements for "X".
I can get into that in detail in another thread if you would like me to elaborate, it is off topic.


Last edited by BarracudaUAK; 05-04-17 at 04:44 PM.
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