Thread: Still standing?
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Old 12-24-05, 11:15 AM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2001
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Yah these missions crash a bit here as well, Leroy, primarily when changing stations or issuing an order to the plane / sub.
the game was not designed to use these so its no surprise.
flag transfer is a no no obviously.

a short mission is a good for a laugh

for plane, setting altitude to 300 does seem to reduce plane crashing into sea. in the mission below it flew to iceland and back twice b4 telling me out of fuel. put a semicolon in front of altitude to ram the merchant

the controlled escort works with a sub as well !
a surfaced sub can be ordered to attack with gun
but you cannot tell it to dive or surface
Upon ordering torp attack it will fire 1 torp per time you order it,
allowing you to select multiple targets.
sub depth setting appears to have to be approx 4 - 5 LESS then intended as DC is adding this amount for whatever reason. if sub too deep it doesnt "see"...

one could set up a "controlled wolfpack" in DC with this
or suicide ijn midget subs

i didnt get to it but using some of the script
from the box UGS 6 multi mission will set up the
your escortplane sub (whatever) as merely controllable bots
they accpet orders but you cannot flag transfer.

also havent tried using a gunemplacement like this yet.
but it prolly works too.

any way

; copy, paste, save as DDwplanensub.sdf
; Mission generated by Kriegstanz Developer 2.6.19
; Created: Sat 24 December 2005 10:19
; Theatre author: Palindromeria
Date = 19440123
Time = 1044
TitleEnglish = DDwplanensub
TitleGerman = DDwplanensub
Origin = -15.093733,58.093465
InitialZoom = 5
Weather = CLEAR
Preprocess = FALSE

Alignment = ALLIES
Name = Allies
Doctrine = AMERICAN

Alignment = AXIS
Name = Axis
Doctrine = GERMAN

Alignment = NEUTRAL
Name = Neutral
Doctrine = Neutral

; Groups
; Plot = Escort
UnitType = Destroyer
Side = 1
Name = Surface group
Nationality = USA

; Plot = Escort
UnitType = Destroyer
Side = 1
Name = Surface group
Nationality = USA

; Plot = Destroyer group
Commander = HUMAN
UnitType = Destroyer
Side = 1
Name = Surface group
Nationality = USA

; Plot = Position 1
Commander = HUMAN
UnitType = Destroyer
Side = 1
Name = Surface group
Nationality = USA

; Plot = Position 2
UnitType = Merchant
Side = 2
Name = Surface group
Nationality = Germany
Order1.1 = SPEED,EXACT,3.33

; Units
; Plot = Position 1
Group = 1.1
TypeAbrev = DD
IconName = NSHIP
Control = HUMAN
Orientation = 90
Class = NDDWickes
Name = DD115 Waters
Designation = 115
Location = -15.169432,58.097639
Fuel = 1
Multiselect = TRUE
Flag = TRUE
Guide = TRUE
Display = DO_NOT_SHOW
BoilersHot = TRUE

; Plot = Escort
Group = 1.2
TypeAbrev = DD
IconName = NSHIP
Orientation = 90
Class = ATBAvenger
Name = ATBAvenger
Designation = 479
Location = -15.145715,58.097639
Altitude = 300
Fuel = 1
Display = DO_NOT_SHOW
BoilersHot = TRUE

; Plot = Escort
Group = 1.3
TypeAbrev = DD
IconName = NSHIP
Orientation = 90
Class = NSSSclass
Name = Satyr
Designation = 369
Location = -15.145715,58.086074
Fuel = 1
Depth = 8 ; sub will be approx 5 meters deeper than listed
Display = DO_NOT_SHOW
BoilersHot = TRUE

; Plot = Position 2
Group = 2
TypeAbrev = FC
IconName = MSHIP
Orientation = 0
Class = MPPTroopTransportGE
Name = Blech
Location = -15.018034,58.100855
Fuel = 1
Flag = TRUE
Guide = TRUE
Display = DO_NOT_SHOW
BoilersHot = TRUE
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