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Old 04-10-12, 04:29 PM   #1572
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Krauter View Post
Agreed, I remember in Oblivion, at least for the DB, when you were the leader (or Listener) people actually recognized you as such. Now it just feels like no one else knows or cares of it.
It's doubly weird in that a lot of people do know and care about it, and it's even reflected in some of their dialogue, but then the rest of their interactions with you are the same as they were before and never catch up to the new order of things. I get greeted as the "boss" but then verbally abused by the same person because I no longer want to take orders from the people who are now my subordinates. I mean, even if I still wanted to run jobs for the guild, the dialogue could be updated a bit to reflect that it's not the same thing as when I first walked in the door and still had to prove myself. "Hey boss, always a pleasure... what's that? Still like to get your hands dirty, eh? I think I can find something that will tickle your well, I'm sure you've got plenty of Guild business to attend to." (Which, actually, I don't, since Brynjolf is apparently doing so much of it that he can't give me the time of day any more. )

But, you know, something a little more in keeping with one's new status instead of "OMG hey come back here, you'll never get anywhere by turning down work!"

And then there are the people who *never* catch up and have no dialogue left for you except the stuff where they refer to you as the "new" person who still needs to prove worthy of their respect. Especially jarring when it's Skjor, who was killed several quests ago. Oh well, maybe he was only mostly dead and came to all brain-damaged and everyone just ignores his missteps with the new Harbinger out of pity.

So yeah, it's just really hard to enjoy being IN a guild once you've finished the main questline for it. Outsiders like guards actually pick up on your status better than your guild buddies. I was strolling into Riften recently after finishing the main DB thing and a guard started to say something about the Brotherhood and then got all stammery and by the time I got past him he was just like "er.... um... never mind... ma'am." It was the way he added the somewhat terrified "ma'am" on the end that cracked me up, especially since the timing coincided perfectly with the way I walked right by refusing to acknowledge his existence.
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