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Old 07-14-11, 06:51 PM   #985
Admiral Von Gerlach
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I am very eager to see this campaign reach release and I have found quite a bit of interest about it in both the US Naval War College in Montery where i have staff contacts and among surviving Japanese naval persons, who I have gained contact with in the past year or two. Both are intrigued and interested as there are almost no other simulations of the Japanese view of WWII and as a historic interest it is significant as a classic example of the conflicting force of high technical achievement (ie IJN amazing development in the submarine program), as opposed to tactical and strategic mis use of same assets....and other factors that actually have come to the fore in Naval research and planning currently, for in the near future we face the very real fact that the Chinese naval submarine program will pose a significant force in naval planning. So there is renewed interest in this matter.

I am very glad to see Keltos and Peabody are both still at work on this, the sub development you have led with has been remarkable Keltos and Peabody you are a true hero in your perseverance in working thru the amazingly intricate demands of a complex campaign development, I really do thank you both and all helping with this worthy project. Please keep us posted.

After it is released I will work on development of a complete package of the sim plus the campaign and any historic screens and manual you develop to create packages that will include the full commercial original sim and the add on campaign so that we can send it as a complete out of the box package to honoured guest recipients.... I have purchased 10 copies of SH IV Gold for this purpose and am going to feature this campaign in a comprehensive article I am writing on naval sims for sharing with a international group of game developers and 3D world makers that I am the admin of.

thank you again gentlemen for the dedicated work and a future release that will greatly enhance the scope of SH IV.
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