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Old 09-05-09, 02:19 AM   #64
Navy Seal
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FYI what's coming so far in the next release...

- Now correctly handles mods that have = as part of the mod folder name (the bug raised above)

- Added ability to load and save mod profiles (prolly something primarily for modders; you can enable a set of mods, save that set as a profile, then muck around with your mods and when finished, return to your begin state easily by reloading the saved profile, and without warning messages)

- Added search facility (for those of you with many mods )

- Now defaults to "Start in" folder (a compromise of sorts. If you know how to create shortcuts, you can now install JSGME to a central location and control where it points through creating unique shortcuts with different "Start in" folders. If you are happy with the way it works now, then you can just simply ignore this feature)

- Confirmation dialog no longer appears when disabling all mods using the /da command line switch (pretty obvious)

- Modified layout of "Tasks" menu (pretty obvious)

- Removed sounds, apart from those connected to warnings or errors (the sounds for normal behaviour get pretty annoying IMHO; now replaced with status bar messages)

I'm not sure if anything else is really critical for now, but if you think so (and it's NOT a request for file linking or compression of backup files), pls post here now.

For this release I will be requesting testers - if you are interested, pls PM or email me. I hope makman, OLC and skwasjer volunteer, as you've all requested or commented specifically on some of these features.

Last edited by JScones; 09-05-09 at 02:32 AM.
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