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Old 08-24-15, 01:22 PM   #174
Rockin Robbins
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Originally Posted by TorpX View Post
Test #3

This is like #1, but with ISP.

For the most part, the convoy is ok. The Wakatake DD goes back into the convoy, tries to move in between ships in the middle column, it doesn't time the move well, and has to back to keep from hitting. This happened twice, until finally at the rear of the convoy it turns into the space between the next 2 columns.

One ship, the med. old comp. freighter looses it's place at the second turn. It seems like ships have a chance to 'loose their place' at a turn. When they do they meander around, and will usually get back sooner or later. This happened without ISP as well.

Test #4

Same as test #3.

Here I make a long range torpedo attack, like in #2.

1 torp hits and convoy is highly disrupted. Ship sinks. It seemed still shaky after 1 hr. and was almost back in good order after 1.5 hrs.

Test #5

Using only RFB and RSRDC.

I start submerged and ambush convoy with 4 torps.

I target minelayer (which is convoy leader). Two hit and it sinks promptly. Convoy is very disordered. After 1/2 hr. it looks better, but one ship is far outside convoy. After 2 hrs., it is in a good state, but one ship still not in the right place. There seems to be a certain individual factor involved. Some ships seem to become 'confused' either in a turn or in an attack.

Test #6

Same as #5, but with ISP.

Of 4 torps, one hits and sinks minelayer.

There is much disruption, but convoy is more or less reformed after 1/2 hr. The large old passenger is way out in front about 3,000 yds. At first I thought this was just panic or bad seamanship. On closer examination, I realize the Hog Island is in it's place. It seems that places can change after an attack and two ships will be jockeying for a position in convoy. This may be a bug in AI. No way to know for sure. Overall, the convoy recovered well, within a half hour.


In normal operation (no attack), I don't see any difference with ISP and 'normal' mods. Certainly, either way they keep station well. Turns are somewhat of a challenge, but for the most part they do ok. Sometimes, ships will loose their place, but I don't see it as a major problem, and, in any case, it happens either way.

In an attack, a high level of disruption is likely, with or without a physics mod. I can't say if it takes longer for them to recover with ISP or not. On the basis of these few tests, it seems like it's matter of chance. In no case did a convoy break up, but if one is attacked, it seems likely they will continue with a somewhat altered organization.

I don't see any reason for SH4 players to forgo a good physics mod, think that ISP or any other mod is going to harm convoys. Convoys will react to threats and become disrupted either way.

I made a bunch of screen shots, but frankly, they don't really tell any more than what I can say here. Maybe I'll post a few later. Possibly, a denser convoy would have some real trouble (collisions and such), but I think that is something to be fixed on that end.
A fine test! Convoy disruption after attack looks like it's hard coded then, as stock convoys are disrupted for the same amount of time. Personally, none of the convoy behaviors in any of the physics mods would keep me from using one. I'm using one now with GFO and play has been really good with it.

I'll get back to my TMO game and try yours out next. Good show!
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