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Old 05-07-12, 02:45 AM   #8
Posts: n/a

So its the daily mail and it has a headline with a question mark.
You really ought to stop swallowing that crap TLAM.

So the topic of......
UN demands US relinquish control of Mount Rushmore. simply dealt with by they didn't.

Still if people want to get heated over a non story how about a real story, The US supreme court says the US took the lands illegaly, that means US says they don't own them.
Its funny to see people getting annoyed over a daily fail article.
Perhaps next they will be saying Anaya should bugger off back to where he came from....

Of course the US at one point did forcibly remove the original owners of that land our government has resolved such issues with native american tribes.They also happen to own much of the land around Rushmore anyway in fact you can find the not yet complete Crazy Horse monument in the same region it is on a Lakota reservation.The UN chap seems to not be aware of these resolutions it seems.
Yet as the article says if you look past the headline, last month the government settled some more claims, the offer of money over Rushmore has been rejected, loads more claims are still ongoing.
So its more likely that the UN chap is fully aware of those that have been resolved and those that have not, and it is very likely that since Rushmore is one thast still isn't resolved it is the reason for it to be on the "to do" list.
I wonder how many are still outstanding in his own state?

So lets see what this UN chap really said.
"It's undisputed that the Black Hills was guaranteed them by treaty and that treaty was just outright violated by the United States in the 1900s. That has been recognised by the United States supreme court"
Anyone want to take issue with the evil UN over that?
or perhaps take issue with the evil supreme court?

I am laughing harder than TLAM
How much was your contribution to the last billion dollar settlement your government had to pay for illegally using indian land? How much did your parents contribute to the payout over the black hills which is still sitting in limbo as it isn't resolved.

I wonder what his report will say about the progress of Akaka.
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