Thread: IL2 1946 Boring
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Old 01-08-07, 08:12 PM   #21
Navy Seal
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I think you're rushing to comparisons that don't quite work though. As much as I see what you're saying... Falcon 4.0 (possibly my favoirte simulator) and CFS 3 are NOT good examples of games that work (it took years before they did), as both work pretty much just by virtue of modding communities keeping them up. Maddox should be given credit for releasing a sim that has always worked out of the box and more or less delivers on its promises - but you're right about its downfalls. Certainly saying that IL-2 has a dynamic campaign is an embellishment at best. Likewise, I think expecting ALL of them to be flyable is a bit too much, and as far as adding - that's the company's prerogative, I suppose. A point against them is the lack of openness to modders who'd be eager to fix it. Otherwise certainly noone ever complained that Falcon 4.0 only had an F-16 to fly, and that it somehow makes it incomplete (which isn't to say your point is wrong, just that the comparison you make doesn't quite work in the first place...)

I think IL-2 is the best WWII flight sim out there, but far from being a perfect one. It's certainly by and far the best up-to-date commercial effort - far better than the commercial work on Falcon 4.0 or CFS 3 that you bring up - as sad as that might be given its obvious shortfalls in some parts.

I personally have better hopes for Storm of War that promises to open up to modding more.

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(aka Captain Beefheart)
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