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Old 04-15-06, 09:16 AM   #19
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Well, a new release. If you can do a checkout and compile the code, you won't need releases anyway, and it's the fastest way to stay up to date with the development(s), but altough not a hard thing to do, it can be a real pain sometimes. So, there are lots of new stuff, since the last 0.10 release. If you're up to date with the cvs development(s)/build, then the release is just a matter of packaging everything, if not, then there are lots of new stuff/features, fixes, improvements. I forgot to mention btw, there were improvements in the shaders, and OpenGL 2.0 support. Anyone wnating to help, you can check the main page, , you don't need to be a programmer to help, there are lots of ways you can help us. Currently, only the sources are GPLed, the artwork is restricted to dangerdeep, altough for instance, the 2 soundtracks in dangerdeep, have their own licenses, since they were available at, with either creativecommons or public domain. We're having a bit of a headache with the sky code, and the hydrophones stations didn't make it into this release yet, but everything's pretty much ready for their implementations (they're dependent on uboat type, period of war, etc..., so different sets of graphics had to be made for each piece of equipment, and work is on its way to finish implementing the hydroachoustics code). So, another new release should be out soon, hopefully in a couple of monthes. Any tips/suggestions/ideas, are more than welcome, but please have in mind that this is voluntary work, with very scarse resources, and this is an alpha version, of what will become hopefully, an historically and technically correct uboat simulation. Hope you enjoy it
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