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Old 11-26-07, 12:57 PM   #1
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Default [TEC] Mission Editor and Campaign Tips

Bigboywooly recently PMed me a couple questions about the way the Campaign files and editor values worked, and I thought that others might benefit from my answer.

Perhaps this thread could become a kind of clearing house for little gems we've learned. At some point it might get condensed into a FAQ.

(I'll paraphrase the questions).

1. What function does MaxInst=10000 and MaxUnitsCreated=100 have in the mis file?

Answer: MaxInst is the number of times the given random group is allowed to spawn. The default, 10,000, means that it would be possible for the same group to appear 10,000 times in a given patrol. Say the DelayMinInterv was set to 1400 minutes at 100% SpawnProbability=100 (%). Every 1440 minutes (24 hours) the group will spawn. It would take 10,000 days for the MaxInst to ever reach 10,000. MaxUnitsCreated is (I think) the number allowed on the map at any given moment. I need to experiment and make a definitive answer for you all.

2. Is it possible to add additional mission layers to the Campaign.

Answer: Yes. Any number is possible, they simply need to be added to Campaign.cfg following the pattern seen there.

[Section 13] (the number is serial, so add them to the end with last_number+1)

FileName=data/Campaigns/Campaign/42a_Jap_CoastalTraffic.mis (the path to your new mission layer)

StartDate=19420201 (the date that the game will load the mission when you leave on patrol. This needs to be a few weeks prior to the groups spawning in the mission!)


GameModes=SingleMission,SinglePatrol,Career,Multip layer Cooperative (this is what mission types will load your new mission. The example shown here is ALL of them.)

MinimumPlayerRating=-3 (these need some experimentation on to see how they work. Inclusion seems obvious, so I presume that if set to 50%, half your campaigns might not have a given layer. Difficulty rating and min player... I have no clue)

EntryFocalPointLat=0 (all set to 0, no idea here)

MaximumDistanceFromStartPoint=90000 (seems to be a toggle as to if it will load based upon the patrol start point. Unused in the stock campaign, this might be useful. Don't bother to load the Indian Ocean mission layers for Pearl Harbor boats, for example.)

ExclusiveLayerID=0 (I don't have the faintest clue here)

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