Thread: Out of Africa?
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Old 07-14-18, 12:29 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
This shows me that you don't really understand what the Theory of Evolution is about. "Evolutionists" study how life changes, not how it originated. Any good scientist lives with the constant awareness that today's pet theory might become tomorrow's laughingstock. The purpose is to discover and try to explain how things work. They know they might be wrong, but for today all any dedicated scientist can do is look at the evidence and attempt to discover what offers the best explanation.

What other possibilities would you have them explore? What you don't seem to grasp is that the scientist who discovers they've all been wrong all these years isn't going to lose anything. He or She rather will lauded, honored and respected, given a Nobel Prize and all that. Scientists live to find new things, not to defend their egos. Well, yes, ego would have a lot to do with it, but it would be the pride of changing the way we look at the world, not the covering up of treasured beliefs.
What do you mean they study how life changes, biology changes every day but I'm not evolving into a something else, I'm just getting older. Don't evolusionists attempt to expound upon the observations of a 22 year old man of how homo sapiens evolved from apes? Wouldn't it be better to say Evolusionists study... evolution?

I see the same similarities as Darwinists do. But to jump to the conclusion that similarities is evidence of a common ancestry isnt evidence, no matter how elaborate and colorful an artists rendition of a humanities family tree may be. Evolustionist have not found one iota of evidence which shows the ever illusive 'inbetween'. Yet there are drawings of invertebrate species having all of its hard parts on the outside evolving into a fish which has all of its hard parts on the inside. But absolutley nothing inbetween.

There is another possibility that other possibility is design. Modern day science and discoveries in DNA has arrived. Darwinism predicted that most of our DNA is just useless junk left over from a blind process of trial-and-error. Design theorists predictedthat most junk DNA would prove to have function. And as DNA research has discovered it is not as evolusionist predicted it does have a function.

But Darwinists object to that the design hypothesis “isn’t science.” But that is what I think is called petitio principii. It’s no way to advance knowledge. Science shouldn't be rigged it MUST be about seeking truth and evidence. Hence my remark about egos and funding. Also in my world as far as honor and awards go. Science isnt different than anything else in life. Achievment and discovery is the name of the game thats what gets you recogition. Failure, even in science, gets you nothing ones legacy is simply known as the guy or gal who got it wrong.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 07-14-18 at 03:23 PM.
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