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Old 10-06-16, 07:10 PM   #47
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I really don't have a whole lot of time to go into detail right now, but I had typed this up as part of another post that I didn't actually post due to lack of time.

Not detailed, but does give a basic rundown for installing Fedora with KDE.

If you are not intending to "game" on your new Linux install -initially-, I think that KDE is the better alternative.

I am running Fedora 23/KDE on a desktop with a AMD 5600x2 (dual core 2.8ghz) 8GB RAM (formerly ran Fedora 20 with 4GB RAM), and currently running a XFX 6750 1GB (2 of them in crossfire actually).

It runs fast. Not as fast as the 8 core I'm typing on, but this PC is easily 4X what the old one is.
If your PC has less than 2 GB RAM, then go with something else.

BE WARNED: The lower the system requirements for a Linux Desktop, The less "polish" and fewer "easier to use" tools it will have.


This is simply to give you an "idea" of what you should expect to encounter.

I've edited this slightly, but only to make it "make sense".

First, some older BIOS versions will not boot from a USB stick...

I haven't tried Ubuntu 15.x or 16.x, but my installs of Fedora 20,23, and 24 all come as a LIVE DVD. (Download ISO, burn DVD, use.)
Similar to KNOPPIX (a LIVE CD/DVD, "forked" from (or based on) debian, like Ubuntu is), The OS is on the DVD and is loaded into a "ram drive" leaving your Hard Drives untouched.
You can view the drives, but the Distros that I have tried, set the drives to "read only", until you tell it otherwise, and you have to do that each time.
But only as long as you are running from the DVD. Keeps you from wiping out your installed linux/windows OS.

In Fedora, (has been 2 years since trying Ubuntu, so I'm not sure about it)
there is an "Install to Hard Drive" desktop icon in the top left corner of the desktop, you simply click that, and the installation starts.

Then you tell it which hard drive(s) you want to use, and then tell it how you want to use it (standard partition, Logical Volume, etc), click "automatically create partitions" (or something similar) and click "OK".
It will tell you what it is going to do, you click ok, then set time zone, and a few other simple things, and click install, and THEN it starts installing.
Then while that works, you set a "root" password and User account/password and let it finish.
Takes about 10-15 min on a dual-core 2.8 with a WD raptor HDD.


The most you might have trouble with is the partitioning the HDD. If you are not sure, just go with the recommended and you should be ok.


Last edited by BarracudaUAK; 10-06-16 at 07:20 PM.
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