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Old 07-19-06, 01:35 AM   #11
Ace of the Deep
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#1 Lebanon was not a war zone until Israel began bombing and ivaded it.

#2 Lebanon is not Iraq or Saudi Arabia. They are a small democratic country (population: 4 million total), and one of the most progressive countries in the region. To talk about it as though it were Saudi Arabia not only does the place a disservice, it makes the poster appear ignorant.

#3 Not only is it a democracy, half of its Parliment is Christian, and English, French, and Armenian are widely spoken there just as Arabic is.

The hypocracy on display here astounds me. Lebanon is precisely the kind of peaceful progressive democracy that the US envisioned Iraq as becoming after the toppling of Saddam Hussein, one of the "dominoes" that once knocked over would cause democracy to spread like wildfire through the ME (the Republican domino democracy theory).

Unfortunately a group of militants formed to fight the IDF during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon commits the tragic stupidity of firing rockets at an Israeli town and kidnapping a pair of Israeli soldiers, and even though this was done without the knowledge, approval, sanction, or plan of the democratic Lebanesegovernment, Isreal - a US client state - decides to undo all of this progress and reduce the country to the same kind of stone age that so much of the rest ME is, and the attitude is "what a hell hole, and people who live there ask for it anyway".
What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy? -- George Orwell
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