Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 04-24-18, 07:33 AM   #5915
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Originally Posted by Koinonos View Post
I decided to give this excellent megamod a try and found it is excellent except for one area - the enemy can detect me passively way too easy.

With no other mods other then this one, I can be submerged, silent running, full stop, and no periscope raised. And I have an excellent track on a merchant that will cross 400 yards in front of me perpendicularly, and 75% of the time as soon as they approach to withing 400 yards they will detect me and start to swerve.

If I reload a save and repeat they will detect me passively 3 times out of 4 when the ships approach to within 400 yards. How is this possible when I am making no noise and am completely submerged? How can a mere merchant cruising at 11 knots detect a sub sitting completely still underwater making no noise and doing nothing?

This can happen in clear seas or rough. I am a hole in the water with no noise. In fact this just happened with a couple of destroyers in the middle of the ocean. Again I am hole in the water (full stop, silent running, no periscope, etc.) about 1000 yards from their crossing in front of me and all of a sudden I am detected again with passive sonar, there is no active sonar at all.

  1. If I load up Silent Hunter 3 with the Grey Wolves mod if I am a hole in the water neither merchants or destroyers can detect me passively.
  2. If I load up Silent Hunter 5 with the Wolves of Steel again if I set up properly and am a hole in the water no detection ever passively.
  3. If I unload this mod and play Silent Hunter 4 stock and am a hole in the water there is no detection ever passively by destroyers or merchants.

Any suggestions of what to try to mitigate this? I have a save game of this if you want to reproduce this. If I am making noise, on the surface of course I expect detection, but not passively when I am a hole in the water with no periscope even raised.

Looking forward to adjusting this so that the game is fair and not immersion breaking by having super powers.

Kind Regards,
"Looking forward to adjusting this so that the game is fair and not immersion breaking by having super powers."

We are too!!

Our attention has been on making the numerous ship/plane units that Ultimate has, to "render" as expected (in both capabilities and modeling). Since many are new to the SH4 game, there's been a huge amount of work to get these additions in-game correctly (many are derivatives from SHIII, some are brand new units).

But believe me, the mods AI capabilities will be adjusted!!

I posted in this thread...."Historicly accurate AI ASW capabilities..." in regards to this very plan of ours, and will be implementing it as time and progress allows.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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